Fissure Sealants

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Dental sealants are very thin coatings used to fill in deep grooves and pits in teeth that can harbor bacteria. Sealants are applied to healthy chewing surfaces of the teeth to prevent decay and cavities, especially among children. According to the Australian Dental Association, tooth decay affects more than half of children ages 6 – 8, and even older children and teens. By applying sealants, families can prevent decay and the save on the costs associated with filling cavities.

If you plan to get dental sealants at Deeragun Dental, we recommend doing so shortly after the molars have erupted from the gums, usually beginning around age 6.

Did you know?

Dental sealants can last up to 10 years in the average patient.

Many parents choose sealants for their kids because it is more affordable and less invasive to prevent cavities than it is to treat irreversible dental decay.

Sealants are clear or white in colour, making them virtually invisible when talking, smiling or eating

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